About My Period My Pride

My Period, My Pride is a campaign initiative of Kibera Joy Initiative – KJI conceived in 2019 with the aim of empowering young women & girls in Kenya and Africa as a continent. My Period, My Pride is a project that seeks to create an empowering environment for young people in the informal settlements of Kenya and Africa at large.

Kibera Joy Initiatives is a registered nonprofit – KJI Community Based Organization (CBO) in Kibera, Kenya, Africa.

Impact Team

Jasmine Cruz

Sarah Wanja

Joe Odongo

Our Story

My Period My Pride Initiative: Empowering Female Youth

September 11, 2022: We help vulnerable girls and young women in need dignity hygiene products because it’s the heart of our mission.

Help us reach over 300 girls and young women with dignity hygiene products on the month of September and October.

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Empowering Young Women in Sur, Oman hosted by My Period, My Pride

August 20, 2022: At Sur, Oman in Kusumu Manyatta

We can all contribute towards a better tomorrow. #peoplehelpingpeople #KiberaJoyInitiative

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Ready to distribute sanitary products in Kibera Slums hosted by My Period, My Pride

June 4, 2022: At Kibera Slums, Niarobi, Kenya

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