About Wezesha Mtoto

Wezesha Mtoto is a project under Kibera Joy Initiative – KJI with an aim of giving a platform for nurturing children within the community. Kibera Joy Initiative – KJI is a non-profit project that seeks to create an enabling environment for young people in the informal settlements of Kenya and Africa at large.

Kibera Joy Initiative – KJI is a registered nonprofit – Community Based Organization (CBO) in Kibera, Kenya, Africa. We also facilitate future outreaches practicing kindness and goodwill toward mankind.

Impact Team

Joe Odongo

Jamal Bryson

Serah Njala

Jasmine Cruz

Our Story

Children Empowerment hosted by Wezesha Mtoto

December 22, 2022

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Empowering Children to become leaders hosted by Wezesha Mtoto

June 1, 2022: The most precious gift you can give to someone is the gift of your time and attention.

Thanks to Kibera Joy Intiative and all friends of Kibera for your support towards #OneActOfKindnessIsEnough campaign #peoplehelpingpeople

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Nairobi International Trade fair field trip hosted by Wezesha Mtoto

October 1, 2022: Spending good time with Wezesha Mtoto Initiative champs at Nairobi International Trade Fair 2022. #PeopleHelpingPeopleBusiness

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